This spider looks like some kind of medieval tool.
It looks as though I have it staked out on a sheet of paper…but it’s in a web with the white of the boat as background and you can’t see it.
This is the underside, and you can see parts of it’s web. This one is near the bottom of the boat with the black bottom paint in the background and it shows off the web.
Here’s one walking on the boat trailer.
There are several on and around the boat….outside….thank God. I don’t really like spiders….love to watch them build web…but coming inside my living space …be it boat or camper…..they are an endangered species.
The day after I took these pictures I found 2 Honey Bees trapped in it’s web. I was surprised the web was that strong for such a small spider. I’ve since removed all the webs. They’ll have to build elsewhere.