Friday, January 16, 2015

Another Dead Tree Down 1.12.15

When the leaves are off the trees it is easy to see which ones are going to be trouble in the future. The tops were broken off during the ‘o4 hurricanes and although they survived..they are rotting from the inside out. Jim has already dropped 2 trees and both were hollow.

We had a nice Sabal Palm that was in the path we needed this tree to fall. Jim did everything he could to save it. He used the roots and stump of the tree he dropped on 12.30.14 to hook a rope and come-along to and tried to winch it out of the way…005cs

If the tree went down the wrong side it would deflect it towards our roof…not a good option to save one of many palms in our woods.

He had to get a rope over the limb in the dead tree. It took several trips up and down the ladder….the Palm the ladder is leaning against is the one we had to get out of the way.


Several limbs and clumps of air fern had to be removed to get the line over the branch.


Once that was done…he ran a line from the palm through the woods and hooked it to the pickup…he cut …I backed up …and down it came. Right where he wanted it.

Then we moved the pickup to our yard and did the same thing with the line around the dead tree….he cut..I backed up…and it came down…almost where we wanted it. There was only a small open area and we missed by about 4 feet. It trimmed one of my Bottlebrush bushes and a Sago Palm. The Bottlebrush on the R was as big and full as the one on the L….but it will grow back.


This is the video I took with the camera sitting on the dash.

Most of the brush and debris was cleared away…several chunks cut up and moved to the wood shed…then it started to rain…029cs

We’ll finish up tomorrow.

029cscsJim has 2…maybe 3 more trees that he wants to take down….you can see 2 of them in this photo above…full of Spanish Moss and Air Ferns. Both within distance of our roof and this power line.


All the chunks were moved to the back by the wood shed. Guess we’ll split a few each day till done.


Already have over 2 full rows.


Jim trimmed up the Sago Palm. You can see the end of the Palm he had to cut down and its base on the L.008cs

He’s not one to just sit around….when he stops to take a breather….he’s looking at the next tree and figuring out how he’s going to do it.

That’s the kind of work ethic that is needed now days…shame we don’t have it. Might be a lot less people sitting around with their hands out.

1 comment:

  1. What a great team you and Jim make! And all that firewood will make your house cozy on cool evenings. Always tricky felling large trees to a particular spot. You guys did well.


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