Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gopher Tortoise

I looked down the road today and saw something walking towards me. I got my camera and started taking pictures. Kind of a grumpy look on it’s face….like  “get outta my way”.
It just kept on walking at a steady pace.
About ever 15’ or 20’  it would settle down and rest. And a few minutes later it was on it’s way again.
Looks like it must have just come out of a burrow…still damp dirt on it’s shell and face. It’s so dirty I couldn’t find any colors, but it is so cute.
It came right up into the yard.
It walked over to the camper and settled down in the shade.  That was  a few hours ago and it’s still there……hope he finds a spot in our place to call home.
Jim thinks it’s pretty neat too, and thought it would be nice if it stayed. He doesn’t realize it’s not a water turtle…..and if he thinks the Armadillos dig holes…..wait till he sees what this little guy can do.


  1. Carol that's a gopher tortoise! Great find and exciting to share your yard with this rare creature.

    1. Thanks so much for identifying it for me. By the time you read this I will have made the correction. I sure hope he hangs around. Thanks again

  2. Quite the chunky little fellow but seems to move pretty fast for a turtle!

  3. I always find it very interesting to see the critters in your yard--so very different from those that come in mine. Your tortoise looks like he has been around the block a time or two. Fun to see him come walking down your road! He moves a lot faster than I would have expected.

    1. It stayed under our camper for aoubt 24 hrs..and then was gone. We didn't see it leave and I keep checking the yard hopeing to see it. Put Gopher Tortoise in the search box at the top and see the big one that was headed our way.


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