Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I have 4 rabbits that live around the edges of the yard. Normally they are grazing by themselves…but this morning there were 2 that came up together.

I love it when they look so at ease.001cs

Isn’t it a handsome rabbit?002cs


  1. Ah, he's so cute and cuddly! We have Cottontails that come around our yard here. They're pretty bold.

  2. We had two of these playing in our yard this morning. They are fun to watch!

  3. It looks young and tiny, but sure is good looking.

  4. Aaah,rabbits,my friends! I used to see wild rabbits now and then around my old place,but never saw them at ease. They were all panicky,and we had to observe them from within the house not to startle then away.


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